Wednesday, September 25, 2013

College and Video Gaming - Research Memo

Main: How are students attending an undergraduate or postgraduate school affected by the expansive world of video gaming?
  1. Of course, not everyone enjoys playing video games. Do you notice any difference in the characteristics of those that do play video games and those that don't; such as age, major, sex, status in community?
  2. Occasionally, a highly anticipated game is released and normally this occurs towards the end of the year. It is known that their is a large number of students (or non-students for that matter) that tend to stay home the next day so they can stay up all night, plying into the next day. A perfect example would be Grand Theft Auto 5, a game receiving high ratings (rated at a 96%), just released August 17th. Do you notice a change in your fellow students in areas such as topics they discuss during/before class, sleeping patterns, study habits, ability to complete assignments on-time?

Liberal Arts Research Interview

For this interview, I was paired with a fellow CIS classmate, Lauren Joyce.

Lauren responded to the first research question regarding liberal arts--
"How do undergraduate students attending a liberal arts college describe their decision in choosing to attend their college?"--with a list of pros and cons.
  • Exposure to a wide range of academic subjects, beyond their major
  • Small class sizes
  • Relationship with professors, rather than just a number
  • More help when needed – Professors are willing to make other accommodations for the student
  • The professors actually teach the course – not a TA
  • Live on campus or near campus – creates a sense of community
  • Two-year exploration before declaring major
  • Could be as much as 4x’s (or more) more expensive than public school in the same state
  • Usually smaller - Less options for living situation/meal plans
"How do undergraduate students attending a liberal arts college describe the benefits they expect, as a result of attending their college?"
  • Provides an excellent foundation for graduate study
  • Prepares students to work in a variety of jobs
  • Degree is appealing to employers.
  • May have better company connections because of the smaller college community – or internship opportunity
  • Creates graduates who are equipped with the skills to become valuable community members
  • Learned more while enrolled from small class sizes & professor (instead of TA) that they were better prepared for a job in their field
  • Internships – were able to get a job at the same company or gained experience in the internship that helped land a job in their field easier than an applicant that didn’t.
"How does attending a liberal arts college change undergraduate students?"

Enables students to:
  • Be more reflective about what they believe
  • Be more conscience of their choices
  • Be more creative and able to solve critical problems
  • Be more conscience of their feelings and emotions
  • Think for themselves
  • Open their minds up to learning new things
  • Be more socially effective
  • Look at the larger picture
“It heightens students' awareness of the human and natural worlds they inhabit” Harvard Admissions.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Reflective Blog #7

Should SMS be accepted as a new language and taught in schools?

This is insane!! First off, SMS already has been causing many problems in society, whether it involves SMS while driving, SMS while in school, or just during inappropriate times, in general. Yes, it is nice that most people know the abbreviations in SMS, but that wont necessarily help you in a car accident.

In school, that is another story. It should not be taught because it is clear that SMS causes attention issues while in the classroom setting. Additionally, if we taught SMS in schools, students might think that it is acceptable to start using SMS where it is not acceptable; or possibly using SMS when they should not be, such as on papers or homework assignments.

Overall, being honest here, the second you start using SMS, you are doing it most of the time unknowingly, or completely avoid it and type out the full words in your text. So no, we should not....that is stupid....very, very stupid.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Reflective Blogging #6

To what extent do relationships that are formed online and remain virtual differ from ones that are formed as a result of meeting in person?

There is quite a difference between relationships that are formed online and relationships that are formed as a result of meeting in person. The biggest difference, in my opinion, is the amount of disclosure between the two participating individuals in the relationship.

In a relationship formed online, you would think information disclosed would be smaller than in a relationship formed as a result of meeting in person, but in reality, it is the complete opposite. I say this because many people that decide to have a virtual relationship, do so because they don't feel as comfortable in person. This leads to disclosing more information to their significant other over the internet, so by the time they actually meet each other in person, they already know what to expect.

In a relationship formed as a result of meeting, you find information disclosed is a bit more general or broad. This supports the mystery of your relationship allowing you to discover more about yours significant other as you go along--strengthening your relationships through those experiences. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Network Tour Goals

1. The overall network design is: 2 connected servers for network

  1. router, switch, iron port, server, shared database (dericci)
  2. router, switch, iron port, server, shared database (sondregger)
when it fails at one point, it sends message over to the other server. They are both connected to each other safeguarding the transfer of messages or packets (i.e. connecting to the web or sending mail).

2. The approach used is what will efficiently improve the network connection for all users. For example, we use all fiber active cables to ensure a more secure connection and is more efficient for our school to use. They also use heated floor/section and a cooled one to help circulate.

3. Iron ports, fiber-optic cables, backups after every day.

4. There are many necessary skills: knowing what/how the average network works. How to back storage up, how to trouble-shoot, network security, and im sure there are plenty of other skills.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reflective Blogging #5

Describe how using social networking technologies changes how you communicate with your family and friends. 

Social networking technologies have certainly changed the way everyone communicates with their family and friends. It became noticeable with the use of mobile phones in the 90's but not nearly as much. The 90's in general brought forth a lot of social networking technologies such as (mainly email) but MySpace paved way for the biggest social network alive today, FaceBook. 

FaceBook, smartphones, VOIP, and many other technologies have made communication convenient and efficient for those willing to learn how to use them. Before, we had to rely on simply calling or emailing friends or family, or we would have to meet in person to have a conversation. Nowadays, I can talk to my step brother who lives in Colorado over Skype or FaceBook IM. So, these new technologies may sometimes cost a little money, but there are many free versions available to all. 

Convenience comes into play because it makes it easy to communicate with friends and family who may lives thousands of miles away.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Reflective Blogging Question #4

  • Consider the impact of personal networking devices, in terms of the environment. What do you think are the biggest areas of immediate impact?  How about long term impact?
  • First off, personal wireless devices utilize electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the non-ionizing bands of the electromagnetic spectrum in their creation. The wireless infrastructure pumps continuous small amounts of radio-frequency radiation (RF) into the ambient environment.
  • Ever since the invention of wireless networks, we has human beings have infused the Earth's surface with a layer of artificial energy exposures. The problem is that we do not yet know how this will effect the future of planet Earth. But one thing we can assume is that species of plants and animals have been having an alarmingly high extinction rate in the past decade. There are many outlying factors other than just the possible influence of RF.
  • As wireless technology continues to improve, associations like CTIA, believe that wireless technology will improve environmental impacts in a variety of different ways:
  1. Reducing material and energy used in production processes
  2. Reducing energy consumed by products while in use
  3. Using recycled or other lower-impact materials
  4. Maximizing the use of existing products and systems
  5. Safely reusing, recycling, or disposing of products or components

A statement made by regarding the future of wireless technology: "The application of wireless technology has exciting potential in a wide range of areas, especially in its ability to reduce environmental impacts. New applications on the horizon, such as those enabled by machine-to-machine communications, could fundamentally change the way we live, work and play. We are hopeful that the wireless industry, with the right level of government involvement, will help make this a reality."

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reflective Blogging Question #3

Consider the following statement: "Nothing is really secure - Get over it!!" If this is true, then what might be the consequences, given your own use of networking technologies?

I agree with this statement now more than ever. Today, identity theft has been an increasing problem. This also explains why sites regarding online shopping (usually the "legit" ones) have been switching over to using PayPal. It's not just for their security, but they want you to feel safe about purchasing online goods and services with your own credit card information, without having to worry about someone on the other end getting the insanely stupid idea of stealing your identity. 

I knew that my computer was not secured, instantly, when I needed some necessary network updates of which I did not know how to install. When I called the help and services line, I barely had to give much of my information regarding my network and all of the sudden the representative on the line had complete remote access of my computer. I could see everything that he was doing so I would have known if anything "fishy" were to occur but still, that scares me! 

Additionally, just the other day my mother called me saying that there was suspicious activity on one of my email accounts that I no longer used. I thank myself for giving the site another email address for them to contact, which was my mom's, if any suspicious activity had occurred. I found out that someone had hacked that email somehow and, in turn, could have had access to important information about myself. There were hundreds of emails in that account so I have no idea the information they had learned before I deleted the account. Bottom-line, be careful about the websites you give out your personal information because you never know who is trustworthy and who is watching. You could randomly open an email one day and you could have downloaded a program unknowingly that remembers your keystrokes and sends them to another computer where someone could be trying to hack you. 

I have learned that nothing is ever completely secured and NO, I am NOT going to deal with it and it is NOT OK. The fact that anti-virus scanners will not pick-up key logging software is very scary so it's best to take the necessary steps to keeping your computer as secure as possible (or till you feel somewhat comfortable) even though it will never be.

I found this link that may give some good insight:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reflective Blogging Question #2

While the price of a acquiring a cell phone and associated service is going down, the cost of using a cell phone and associated service  is going up.  What do you think is meant by this statement?

This statement is quite clear to me. I can't think of one single service provider that does not include additional fees on a customer's bill. In most cases when you go to get a new phone, whether it is a regular cell-phone or smartphone, the price of the hardware itself will be cheaper as long as you sign a new contract with your service provider (normally 2 year contract). That is where the price of acquiring a cell phone has gone down.

In the past, all you had to worry about was how much you sent text messages and how many minutes you had for use per month. Now, recent trends in technology has presented us with faster, all-around more efficient technology, which is where we have seen a change in fees from mobile service providers. Laptops paved the road to the future by putting all the features of a desktop into a smaller device, leading to smartphones.

Now, you pay for the original price of a phone (with or without a new contract), monthly minutes, monthly text messages, and data servicing fees. Every time you access the internet, FaceBook app, Twitter app, etc. you will be charged, especially if you are with a mobile service provider such as AT&T because ever since they acquired a contract with Apple to provide service for iPhones, they changed their fees for data service fees.

Additionally, as more and more people make use of mobile phones, mobile service providers are likely to follow the "supply and demand" theory to maximize profits for their companies. Below is a link to a website comparing all of the top mobile service providers.

This website lists US Cellular as not one the best options but, if you are like me, you might be already grandfathered in (I have been with US Cellular since I was 14 so, 8 years) and end up paying significantly less (unlimited text messages and data services). The same may also go for any others grandfathered in to their mobile service provider.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Reflective Blogging Question #1

What Technology do you use to stay in touch and WHY?

Like most people between the ages of 16 and 25, I use my smartphone which is an android operated Galaxy S3. The reason why I use this technology the most frequent is because it fits in my front pocket. My smartphone allows me to access the internet (nowadays there is a mobile website version of most up-to-date sites), check FaceBook and other social networking websites, use an application-based email for my personal emails as well as my school emails, make phone calls, send texts, and I can even use video telecommunication software like Skype. For a lot of people on the go, using a smartphone seems to be the best way for communication and staying in touch with the world.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

More about my interests...

The most important interest I have right now, other than school, is staying healthy and having overall good personal fitness. I go to anytime-fitness in Verona just about every single day, and have for the last year-and-a-half. 

Here are some links to sites/blogs:

I also enjoy stimulation of the mind. Before I joined Edgewood College, an example of this would be me playing video games like call of duty. Now, I do a lot more reading with help from my Kindle-Fire HD. Being enrolled full-time at a 4 year university lead to me cutting out the least important things that I used to pay attention too. On a side-note, I used to do more reading than sleeping when I was younger. I'm currently reading a series by George R.R. Martin called "A Song Of Fire And Ice". You may have heard of the HBO television show "Game of Thrones", which is based on Martin's book series.

Here are some links to sites/blogs:

The third link is more of an inspiration :)

New subscribers? You could be one.

For those of you new to my blog, the feel good gorilla, here are a few things about me...

Hi, my name is Michael Hershberger and my close friends call me "Hersh". I am currently attending college courses at Edgewood College in Madison, WI. I graduated from Verona Area High in 2009 and immediately enrolled for courses at Madison college (MATC) where I attended until fall 2012, of which I began my next stage of college life at Edgewood College. I am currently studying computer information sciences (CIS) and I enjoy the skills I have learned, thus far.

Currently I live in Verona, WI at my mother's house with my step-dad. This allows me to save money as well as focus on school related work. I am the youngest of 4 children, all being male siblings. My two oldest brothers, Jason and Joey, are only half brothers while Adam is my only full brother.

One thing that is very important in life, to me, is staying healthy. Because of this, I joined a gym 2 years ago and it has been the best decision of my life. I joined anytime-fitness in verona and it is a great place to blow off steam and improve yourself physically, as well as mentally. Feel free to contact me for any good tips in working out whether it be your exercise routine or your current eating and meal habits.

until next time....