I have learned through editing these images, especially this one, that you can change the overall feel and look of an image by simply changing the image's properties. Like with chevy image to your right--it started off in color, now it's in black and white. This image is my favorite of the altered images because it seems to make the most sense to me. Reason being is because this is a Classic Chevy. Sure, there are restored mint condition classics out there but by choosing the black and white version of the image, it gives the viewer the impression that this picture might have been taken many years back.
I chose this image for my second mainly because I just think it looks cool. It comes off as black and white but it isn't. I just turned up the saturation and contrast. To me, it gives the feel that this picture came straight out of an evidence folder.
super job with your blog. I love the amount of detail and description you have put into each post. It was really great reading about your family and your background.