Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Reflective Blogging #6

To what extent do relationships that are formed online and remain virtual differ from ones that are formed as a result of meeting in person?

There is quite a difference between relationships that are formed online and relationships that are formed as a result of meeting in person. The biggest difference, in my opinion, is the amount of disclosure between the two participating individuals in the relationship.

In a relationship formed online, you would think information disclosed would be smaller than in a relationship formed as a result of meeting in person, but in reality, it is the complete opposite. I say this because many people that decide to have a virtual relationship, do so because they don't feel as comfortable in person. This leads to disclosing more information to their significant other over the internet, so by the time they actually meet each other in person, they already know what to expect.

In a relationship formed as a result of meeting, you find information disclosed is a bit more general or broad. This supports the mystery of your relationship allowing you to discover more about yours significant other as you go along--strengthening your relationships through those experiences. 

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