Wednesday, September 25, 2013

College and Video Gaming - Research Memo

Main: How are students attending an undergraduate or postgraduate school affected by the expansive world of video gaming?
  1. Of course, not everyone enjoys playing video games. Do you notice any difference in the characteristics of those that do play video games and those that don't; such as age, major, sex, status in community?
  2. Occasionally, a highly anticipated game is released and normally this occurs towards the end of the year. It is known that their is a large number of students (or non-students for that matter) that tend to stay home the next day so they can stay up all night, plying into the next day. A perfect example would be Grand Theft Auto 5, a game receiving high ratings (rated at a 96%), just released August 17th. Do you notice a change in your fellow students in areas such as topics they discuss during/before class, sleeping patterns, study habits, ability to complete assignments on-time?

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