Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What aspects of the workplace might motivate people's acceptance of change?

There are many aspects of the workplace that might motivate people's acceptance of change. The first thing is management. Management is more of a thinking, not a doing kind of job. When management fails to come up with new ways to implement their product or service, does not do well mediating different aspects of the job, and not very good with conflict resolution, a change in management will most likely be better accepted by the rest of the work staff.

Not enough flexibility can also be an influencing factor. You here about it more and more that companies are starting to be a bit more flexible as far as showing up for work and when you can leave. One example--The Federal Forest Products Lab--usually have a few days of the week were they want most employees to be in the building from about 10am-4pm. Other than those few days, the employees can pretty much go as they please, as long as the work gets done.

There are many other aspects of the workplace that might motivate people's acceptance of change, but this is just to name a couple.

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